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Rawling In Pawling

Fine Art


35 years of murals in all five boros. From massive outdoor public works in paint, steel, and tile to finely detailed interior private commissions.


Geoff's own blend of mixed media, incorporating colors and shapes of found objects into his palette

The Geoff Show

Live performance painting. The spirit of the music flows through the work.



A beloved Rockaway landmark by Geoff Rawling. A 40-foot magical mosiac whale, currently lost at sea.

Russian & Turkish Baths

Geoff's immersive deck installation, as seen on the front page of the New York Times. Originally painted 1987, only traces of the original murals remain.

The Berlin Wall

In 1979 Geoff was one of the first artists to paint a mural on the Wall. This postcard is still sold in Germany today. Geoff spent a few hours in an East German jail for this.

Public Art Commissions

From Firehouses to NYC Public Schools, Senior Centers, Shelters, and 9/11 Memorials, Geoff has public art all over New York City.


Geoff's signature style.

The Geoff Show on tour

In 2016 Geoff was commissioned to create a series of live perfmormance paintings in Chiapas, MX.

Fine Art